
DESA WISATA – Desa Wisata Jelok – Patuk Gunungkidul

Kabar Lokasi Wisata anyar kagem ERYE. Mbok menowo akeh sing wis ngerti. Desa Wisata Jelok.

Lokasine Jalan Wonosari km 27, Jelok, Beji, Paruk Gunungkidul. Ancer ancer gampange wetan SMP 2 Patuk mengko nemu plang (masuk kanan 4km). Lokasine ditempuh (seko jogja) sakwise Hargodumilah (bukit bintang).
Ngenalke Wisata Budaya, Petualangan, Wisata Air, Outbond, dll

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Wisata Air


Wisata Budaya



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Review media masa digital maupun cetak sudah banyak. Detiktravel dll. Pagi tadi juga sempet di jelita indosiar untuk tayang yang kedua kalinya, metro dan tvri juga pernah.
Page facebook : desa wisata jelok
Twitter [at]desawisatajelok
Blog http://dewielok.blogspot.com/
Website : coming soon. Sesuk bakal diinfo meneh

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Article of Jelok in English

 Enjoyment Traveled on Rural Tourism Jelok

Village Tourism Jelok, you will be spoiled by the village atmosphere with friendly and welcoming people. You can be adventurous, farming, learning even dinner on the river Oya.
Jelok hamlet, village of Beji, Patuk Gunungkidul, supposedly isolated as road access is very difficult to cross the river 80 meters wide Oya. To attend, students crossing times with gethek made ​​of bamboo. In 1996, the bridge was built on community and student inisiatis.
82 meter long bridge with a width of one meter could become the only way to Jelok, which from 2010 known as the Tourism Village

Since then, Jelok becoming known as community-based rural tourism, culture and environment. Tourism in the village area of ​​75 hectares is divided into adventure tourism, the white water rafting, fishing, biking, camping, outbound. Tourism education, reading in the library, painting, drawing, farm oragnik, making biogas, compost and charcoal. While cultural attractions, such as performances of traditional art.
The most attractive tourist village located 30 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta is friendly and welcoming people. You can spend the night in homes, rustic dishes from the experience learned from the organic fields with a very low cost, Rp 50,000 per night for 4 people. Eight tourist guides were very friendly, they will be facilitating type you choose.
in Jelok you can not only have fun, but get an amazing experience. Beginning in late June 2012, dinner on the river can be enjoyed. Just like in other parts of Europe, dinner on a floating bamboo gethek time oya is growing steadily, entertained the music and song macapat on a sampan. Dinner is usually held in the afternoon after the visitors tired outbound. 

Jelok Tourism Village, Going Back to Bounded Solidarity

Jelok Village was an isolated area because of the difficult access road. To reach this village was not easy since people had to cross Oyo River that was about 80 meters in width, by rafts made of bamboo, as long as the stream flowed friendly. However, around 1996, there was students from UNY (Yogjakarta State University) who did their community service in this village. With the locals, they started to build a bridge that could facilitate the access to this village.
With the principle of cooperation and solidarity, locals with students became the key of the growing village. Unfortunately, the earthquake in May 2006 that shook Yogyakarta became the beginning of locals’ disharmony. It happened because the unequal distribution of government subsidies to the victims of the eartquake in this village. But there was a Wonosari-born young man who concerned about this condition. He was Aziz, one of UNY students who also did his community service there. For the first time, he was suspected of what he did as he was not one of the locals. Slowly, this young man, by involving some young people from this village, tried to get back people’s trust and started to build again the solidarity spirit that was almost gone.

They built a hut on the government’s property as a place where people could hang out or chitchat so they could strengthen their solidarity between the locals. Nowadays, this hut is till there and used as a study hall or as a hang out place in the night time.
This was the place where the idea of creating a tourism village was initiated. This brilliant idea which came from locals lively chat was proposed to increase locals’ quality of life but without ignoring to keep the local culture and values and also to preserve the beautiful environment. Jelok Village that is located in Beji, Patuk, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta with 75 hectares wide, in 2010, held a festival and merti (a locals tradition or ritual) of Oyo River. There were some activities that was aimed to unite the locals to help each other and to pray together in the Oyo River. Because of that moment of festival, this village was started to be well-known. This potential has made Jelok as one of tourism villages in 2010 based on locals traditions and cultures and also the neighborhood.

Jelok Tourism is located in Jelok Sub-village, Beji Village, Patuk Sub-district, Regency of Gunung Kidul. It is precisely at Wonosari Street Km 25. It is about 30 kilometers away from the southeast of Yogyakarta, or 15 kilometers from the west of Wonosari, Gunung Kidul.

What to Do     
There are few kinds of tourism that visitors can enjoy in Jelok, such as adventure tourism by rafting in Oyo river, fishing, riding a bike, camping, and having outbond. There is also an education tourism, such as library, painting, drawing, organic farming, making biogas, making compost, and also making charcoal. For the traditions or cultures for tourism, you can also see merti kali (locals tradition and ritual held along the river), jathilan (locals traditional dance), and mocopat (Javanese traditional poem).

Admission Fee & Visitor’s Info
Visiting Jelok Tourism Village does not require any entrance ticket. However, since you are here to get new experience, you are suggested to bring enough money to take some tourism packages. To experience the hospitality and the intimacy of the locals, you can also stay in the residents’ home by only paying Rp 50.000,- per night for 4 people. You can taste their foods that come from ingredients planted in their organic farm. There are 8 tour guides to guide you to do several activities and adventure in this village. One special thing you can get from this village is that the experience of dinner on the river. Like what European do, having dinner on the bamboo raft, accompanied by music and mocopat songs.

How to Get There
  • By taking public transportation, take the bus with route of Yogyakarta-Wonosari, stop at Putat village, near the Putat circuit, and then take the bike taxi. It is 2 kilometers from Putat village.
  • By taking private vehicles, two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles

Desa Wisata Jelok Minangka Kampung Nusantara

Senin, 06 February 2012 | 18:17 WIB

Desa Wisata Jelok Minangka Kampung Nusantara

Gunungkidul, www.jogjatv.tv – Desa Wisata Jelok nggadhahi kaskaya alam ingkang hanglamlami, lan saged dipun rembakakaken minangka papan wisata. Wiyaripun pasabinan lan ilining Lepen Oya ingkang boten nate asat, jinurung gregeting warga dhateng donyaning pariwisata dipun ajab nggrengsengaken gregetipun wisatawan plesir dhateng Kampung Jelok.
Samangke ing Gunung Kidul kathah dipun rembakakaken desa wisata, jalaran warga wiwit tinarbuka lan greget ngrembakakaken desanipun.  Dhusun Jelok, Desa Beji, Patuk, Gunungkidul ingkang kaloka amargi endahing kawontenan alamipun kawawas trep manawi dipun rembakakaken minangka desa wisata. Kajawi punika, Desa Jelok ingkang ugi sinebat  kampung Nusantara, ugi greget ngrembakakaken wewengkonipun minangka   desa wisata lan komunitas belajar pendidikan non-formal.
Minggu (5/2) siang, Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Propinsi DIY, sesarengan  Wakil Bupati Gunungkidul nyemak endahing wewengkon  alam ing Jelok. Rombongan dipun dherekaken dening Karang Taruna nyemak kaendahaning Desa Jelok.
(Chandra Saputra)


Info Wisata Jogja & Jateng Edisi 31 Juni 2012 Hal 19



Thursday, 02 August 2012

Gemericik alunan irama alur sungai selalu terdengar hingga tengah dusun.Suasana jalan desa yang selalu diiringi suara jangkrik dan katak seakan menambah eloknya suasana desa wisata Dusun Jelok,Desa Beji, Kecamatan Patuk ini.

Jembatan gantung seakan menjadi sebuah ciri khas dusun yang dulu dianggap terisolir ini.Namun dengan kekuatan warga masyarakat, dusun yang berada 16 kilometer arah barat kota Wonosari ini berada tepat di pinggir Sungai Oya. Lima cottagedengan dimensi rumah Jawa menambah daya tarik wisatawan untuk berdiam lebih lama,tinggal dan menyatu dengan kehidupan dusun tersebut. Keramahan warga dusun juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri.Sebuah kehidupan warga yang benar-benar masih suci dan ramah menyapa para tamu.

Panorama dengan latar gunung persawahan serta alur Sungai Oya mengajak para tamu untuk bergumul dan siap mengarungi konsep wisata baru,menantang,tapi atraktif dan mendidik.Tak heran banyak tamu dari dalam negeri maupun mancanegara datang langsung dan tinggal untuk belajar kehidupan masyarakat Jelok. ”Pemandangan bukitnya sangat eksotis, masyarakatnya juga friendly,”ujar salah satu peserta dialog antarumat beragama dan suku asal Australia,AnushaYatawara beberapa waktu lalu,saat mengunjungi desa wisata ini.

Mahasiswi jurusan seni di Universitas Perth,Australia ini memberikan acungan jempol atas keindahan alam perbukitan di Gunungkidul yang sangat eksotis.”Kami sangat menikmati suasana ini,”ucapnya. Belum lagi lantunan gamelan Jawa yang siap mengiringi santap malam para tamu.Gending cokekan seakan menjadikan sebuah kidung mesra bagi para wisatawan yang sengaja datang untuk bisa menikmati suasana desa dan makan malam di pinggir Kali Oya tersebut.

Berbagai permainan pun disajikan pengelola desa wisata ini.Mulai outbond, biking,perahu kano,dan penginapan dengan tarif yang terjangkau.Untuk menginap semalam,pengunjung dikenai tarif Rp200.000. Dari harga tersebut,para pengunjung sudah disajikan menu tradisional,permainan desa,serta bersepeda mengelilingi sungai yang airnya kian jernih ketika musim kemarau ini. Kepenatan kehidupan kota akan sirna ketika menikmati hari- hari di Dusun Jelok.Kidung mesra di pinggir kali inilah sebuah terapi keletihan dari hiruk- pikuknya kehidupan kota.

Kepala Bidang pemasaran dan Promosi Wisata Dinas Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan (Disbudpar) Gunungkidul Supriyadi menuturkan,destinasi desa wisata terus dilakukan. Pihaknya sengaja memberikan ruang bagi desa untuk berkreasi atas potensi wisata yang ada di desa masing-masing.”Harapan kami,roda perekonomian warga akan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan desa wisata ini,”katanya.

Jelok sebagai salah satu potensi wisata minat khusus telah menjadi salah satu dari beberapa desa wisata yang siap menyambut wisatawan yang menginginkan wisata alternatif dan menyegarkan. SUHARJONO Gunungkidul


Kedaulatan Rakyat: 23 Februari 2013 Halaman 3

Kumpulan artikel tentang Desa Wisata Jelok

Desa Wisata Jelok

2 Hektare Tanah di Gunungkidul Tergerus Kali Oya 


Merti Kali Oyo, Tradisi Pembaharuan di Desa Wisata Jelok   

Sejenak di Desa Wisata Jelok

Tradisi Rasulan di  kampung Nusantara Jelok

Yogyakarta yang Sesungguhnya di Desa Wisata Jelok

Kidung Mesra di Pinggir Oya

Paket Kenikmatan di Kampung Jelok

DESA WISATA JELOK BEJI PATHUK (KAMPOENG NUSANTARA)  http://wgtour.wordpress.com/tag/desa-wisata-jelok-beji/

Belajar Kearifan Lokal di Dusun Jelok

Gua Cokakan, Sensasi Seru 'Membelah' Perut Bumi

Kampung Nusantara Desa Wisata di Jelok 

Malam Romantis Di Desa Wisata Jelok

Desa Wisata Jelok
Ingin Terus Lestarikan Upacara Sedekah Padi

Satu Ember Lele Dituang di Kali Oya
Merti Kali Oya

Tradisi Sedekah Dewi Sri di Jelok Patuk, Gunung Kidul